Términos y Condiciones de Uso de PR Digital

Terms and Conditions - PR Digital Personal Accounts
This Agreement summarizes the terms and conditions of the Internet Access Service ("service") requested by the Individual ("you") and provided by PR Digital (ISP). Your use of the service constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions listed below.
CHARGES: You agree to the fee schedules for the account you have selected as listed on the application form or fee schedule. Payment is due before service begins. There is a minimum charge of one month. Service is paid in advance at the start of each billing cycle. All charges are non-refundable. ISP reserves the right to discontinue service if payment is not received at the start of the billing cycle. There will be a $ 20 charge for returned checks and a $5 charge for returned bank debits. ISP guarantees the fee for the plan you subscribe to for a period of 12 months. ISP reserves the right to change its fee schedule by written notice after that.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: The service, program and any other product which we provide to you as part of our service are provided "as is", neither we nor our licensors make any warranties, representations or conditions of merchantability, quality, and fitness for a particular purpose relating to our program, service, and/or related products that we or our licensors provide or the service and/or products of any other service provider.
TELEPHONE CHARGES: ISP will list all access numbers available on its web site. You are responsible for determining the appropriate number for your location. ISP is not responsible for any long distance telephone charges.
SECURITY: ISP does not guarantee that its security procedures will prevent the loss of, alteration of, or improper access to, your information. You are responsible to take the security measures required by the nature of the tasks you are performing on our service.
INTERACTIVE USE: You agree this account is for interactive use and that there is a timeout upon inactivity. No software or hardware to artificially avoid inactivity timeouts is allowed. Continuous 7x24 use of the service requires an enterprise level account with additional charges per month.
INDIVIDUAL USE ONLY: You agree this account is for your use only. Concurrent use of the service by multiple workstations on a network or multi-user system requires a business or enterprise level account with additional charges per month. On accounts with unlimited interactive use programs that artificially keep the line up without interactive use are not allowed.
USE RESTRICTIONS: You agree not to use the web space provided for material that violates any laws or copyrights. Use of your web space to publish material of discriminatory or pornographic content is not allowed. This includes any links to such material. Unsolicited mass mailings are also prohibited in any way or form and will result in immediate account cancellation.
BANDWIDTH: ISP reserves the right to limit access bandwidth to the web space provided to that equivalent of a 64KB dedicated line.
TERMINATION: This agreement can be terminated by either party by written or email notification.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement and the attached Schedules constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall supersede all previous oral and written communications between the parties.

Es operado por ESS, Inc.
PO Box 9111 San Juan, PR 00908
1259 Fernández Juncos Ste. 201, San Juan PR 00907

Horas de oficina:

Lunes a Viernes de 8:30 am a 6:00 pm
Sábado 10:00am a 6:00pm